Hearing loss – It’s Diagnosis and treatment

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What if you woke up one day and lost your ability to hear anything? Quite frightening isn’t it? To many people that is a reality that they live with, an experience that they once felt, one that completely altered their life. 

It often starts with having trouble hearing and later it evolves into not being able to hear what people are saying or comprehending their speech. If it goes untreated it could lead to serious implications. 

So let’s dive into this article and understand age-related hearing loss and how it affects elderly individuals, its causes, signs, and ways to manage hearing loss in elders. 

Table of contents 

  •  Signs of hearing loss
  • Types of hearing loss 
  • Causes of hearing loss 
  • How is hearing loss diagnosed 
  • How to cope with hearing loss 
  • Devices to help with hearing loss 
  • How to  communicate with someone who has hearing loss
  • Conclusion 
  • Frequently asked questions

Signs of hearing loss

There might be times when you have a problem and you don’t even realize it! Don’t worry, just try to remember if you have any of these symptoms and make sure to consult a doctor if you do. 

  • Trouble following conversations 
  • Hard to hear the other person over the call
  • Asking people to repeat what they said 
  • Unable to  understand what children are saying
  • Hard to understand people who speak in a very high-pitched voice
  • Turning up the volume on the TV or phone extremely loudly 
  • Mistaking people speaking as mumbling 

These are a few symptoms that a person might experience when they suffer from hearing loss, if it gets serious make sure to consult a doctor immediately. 

If going out to a doctor can be a challenge, check our website and consult NORMS home healthcare for healthcare professionals who can properly help right at your doorstep. 

Types of hearing loss

There are various types of hearing loss. A person may experience a little loss of hearing, such as missing certain high-pitched sounds or losing all hearing.

Sudden loss of hearing

A quick, inexplicable loss of hearing and abrupt deafness is also referred to as sudden sensorineural hearing loss. A person may experience it all at once or over several days. It is necessary to treat it as a medical emergency. See a doctor right away if you or someone you know suddenly lose their hearing.

Age-related hearing loss

Presbycusis, another name for age-related hearing loss, is a condition that progressively worsens with age. It appears to run in families and could be brought on by modifications to the auditory nerve, which transmits signals from the inner ear to the brain to the ear. A person with presbycusis may find it difficult to comprehend what other people are saying or to tolerate loud noises.

People with presbycusis may not be aware that they have lost some hearing because the loss is gradual.


Older adults also frequently have tinnitus. Although it sounds like ringing in the ears, it can also sound like clicking, hissing, buzzing, or roaring. It might appear and disappear. It may be loud or soft, and it can be heard with one or both ears. For some older persons, tinnitus may be the initial indication of hearing loss. It may accompany hearing loss of any kind.

Causes of hearing loss 

There are several reasons why one can experience hearing loss, it is also more susceptible among elderly people. Here are some of the most common causes of hearing loss. 

Loud noise 

Loud noises are one of the most common causes of hearing loss, heavy traffic noises, loud music, concerts, firecrackers, and sirens can also cause hearing loss, especially among the elderly. 

Earwax or fluid 

Earwax can potentially impair hearing by obstructing sound waves that travel from the eardrum to the inner ear. 

Eardrum rupture.

Infection, pressure, or inserting objects—such as cotton-tipped swabs—into the ear can all harm the eardrum. If you experience fluid flowing from your ear or ear pain, make sure to consult a doctor. 

Diabetes and high blood pressure

These are two frequent health issues among the elderly that can aggravate hearing loss. tumor, heart disease, stroke, brain injury, or viral or bacterial ear infections.


Some medications have the potential to cause lasting harm to the inner ear, which can lead to hearing loss. These drugs may be used to treat heart disease, cancer, or severe infections. They also contain aspirin in certain quantities and a few antibiotics. Consult your doctor if you experience any problems while using a drug.

Genetic differences 

Genetic differences can also result in hearing loss. Not every hereditary type of hearing loss manifests itself from birth. Certain types may manifest in later life. For instance, the disease known as otosclerosis, which is believed to be inherited, is characterized by aberrant bone formation that impairs the normal function of ear components.

How is hearing loss diagnosed? 

An otoscope, or illuminated scope, is what your doctor will use to examine the eardrum and examine the outer ear canal. He or she will check for infection, inflammation, impacted ear wax, injury to the ear drum, and blockage of the ear canal by foreign objects.

An audiogram may be recommended for you to see an audiologist, a specialist in hearing loss. An audiogram is a test where sounds are played to one ear at a time through headphones. If you can hear each sound, you are prompted to respond. A person may have some degree of hearing loss if they are unable to hear particular tones.

How to cope with hearing loss 

Losing your hearing can be difficult to handle, but it is important to remember that if managed properly one will be able to live independently and their best life despite having hearing loss. 

It’s about having the will to get better and lead the life that you want. Here are a few things that one can do, to cope with hearing loss. 

  • Inform your loved ones that you have a hearing impairment.
  • Request that they restate or rephrase what they have said.
  • Be mindful of the words being spoken as well as any gestures or facial expressions.
  • If something was said that you did not comprehend, let the person speaking know.
  • Choose a comfortable spot to listen.
  •  Try to find a quieter spot to speak or ask the people around you to speak louder. 
  • Make sure you are surrounded by emotional support from your friends and family.

Devices to help with hearing loss 

There are several devices that one can equip in their house or themselves to help them with hearing loss, a few devices that one can use are as follows. 

  • Alert systems use doorbells 
  • smoke alarms
  • Alarm clocks to vibrate
  • Convey visual cues.
  • Technology such as touch screens and keyboards, 
  • Text-to-speech
  • Hearing aids 
  • Electronic assistance devices (increase the volume of certain sounds) 

For those with severe or complex hearing loss, an audiologist or hearing aid expert can recommend hearing aids. 

A medical examination is required before a hearing aid is fitted and adjusted by a healthcare provider.

Lately, it has become possible to purchase hearing aids without a prescription. People with mild to moderate hearing loss may benefit from over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids, which are available in stores and online.

How to communicate with someone who has hearing loss

It can be overwhelming to communicate with someone who has hearing loss, especially when you don’t know what to do. 

Let us try to understand how we can communicate effectively with them, and let’s remember, even if they have hearing loss they are still just like everyone else, they too want to talk to people around them.

Now let’s understand and learn to communicate with people with hearing loss : 

  • Make it a point that you involve those who are deaf or hard of hearing in group discussions.
  • To reduce background noise, particularly at restaurants and social groups, choose a quiet spot to converse.
  • Use your motions and facial expressions to provide hints while standing in well-lit areas.
  • Talk clearly and face the other person. Keep your eyes open.
  • Talk a little louder than usual, but avoid yelling.
  • When speaking, avoid covering your mouth, eating, or chewing gum.
  • If needed, say it again using alternative terms.
  • Aim to limit the number of people speaking at once to one.
  • Have patience. Individuals who have hearing loss might sometimes feel irritated by their condition.


Nothing is impossible when you have the necessary support around you, and they have the will to get better. While hearing loss can be overwhelming it is important to understand it and manage it properly. Understanding its causes, signs, and ways to cope with it can help us deal with it.

Frequently asked questions 

1. Is hearing loss permanent?
In some cases, it is temporary, whereas in serious cases it can be permanent. 

2. What is the diagnosis of hearing loss? 

Several tests are available to determine the kind and extent of hearing loss with accuracy. It is best to consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis. 

3. What is the treatment for hearing loss? 

Wax removal, hearing aids, or surgery are some options to treat hearing loss. 

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